So here's how we found out the gender 2 weeks early!
I was scheduled for a more detailed ultrasound today just to get a better read on the thickness of my cervix since I had a the Leep procedure 2 years ago that removed a good amount of cervix. I'm just now 15w1d and I didn't even think you could start seeing boy or girl parts until at the earliest 16w. but the doctor said that my cervix looked great, and then went on to say "Your baby is cooperating, and I can tell what it is if you want to know" I of course said "Well isn't it too early?" But she said you can usually tell this early if it's "A big ol' boy" (which Chip loved! haha) But she said if she thought it was a girl she wouldn't have even mentioned it, since technically it wasn't officially "the BIG 20w ultrasound". So I guess we just lucked out!
Now we know how to decorate the nursery (we're doing Mickey & Friends) and what to buy clothes wise. Everything else we're going to try to keep pretty gender neutral so we can use it over again like swaddlers, Pack & Plays, oscillating seat that sort of thing. So some of you know, some don't, but right when we found out we were pregnant we chose a boy and girl name. We wasted no time, and we have no problem sharing said name prior to the birth, we all know that I can't keep a secret anyway ; ) So our little boy's name will be Kane Parker Schnabel.
Here are some new pictures to keep you updated!!
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