This weekend we had a great time visiting with Chip's family. Friday night after Chip's class we packed up the car and headed out of town for 4 days. Can I just say that one tiny little person, less than 10 pounds of person sure does require TONS of stuff! After spending the night at Beth's Friday night we woke up bright and early Saturday morning to head over the Bethlehem, PA where Chip's Grandmother "Grams" lives. At Gram's house were Beth's sister Sue, her husband Scott, Sue's kids Kristen & Scott, and Scott's family wife Aubry, son Isaac & Chip's brother Jamie. We got to visit with each other and enjoy some great meals. Also Beth brought the game "Catch Phrase" to play with everyone, it was a great time that I'm sure we'll be playing again next year. It was a great time and a great way to celebrate Gram's 91st Birthday! Sunday afternoon we hit the road back to Maryland where we enjoyed watching Jamie's Rec basketball game, the rest of the night and Monday too. Now we're back home tonight, and wiped out! Lots of driving, and Kane did great! It was nice to introduce him to everyone, and we'll be seeing all of them again at Peter and Mary's wedding on May 1st!
Here are some pictures of our weekend!
4 Generations, Grams, Beth, Aunt Sue, Kane & Me
Hi Aunt Sue!!
Kane's new sweater from his Cocoa, this one fits!!
Sleepy Puppy!
Uncle Jam & Kane's nap time, they slept for 2 hours!!
Scott, Isaac & Aunt Cilla
Isaac & Mr.Bear :) He's 2 years old!
Daddy & Puppy
Uncle Jam, Cocoa & Kane
Cocoa, Aunt Sue & Kane
Great-Grams, Cocoa & Kane
Chippy, Grams, Kane & I
The Whole Crew!
Kane and his Jordan's that Uncle Jam gave him!
Kane's picture next to Chip's baby picture! Wow
Jamie playing basketball at his game Sunday night
Neat pic we took of chip & Kane and the Willow Tree Character
I bought Chip for his Birthday : )
With Love,
C, A & K