So If you haven't already heard from myself or Facebook, It's a boy! We had an ultrasound on 11-16-11 and with a quick check the Dr. said, Kane's going to have a little brother! And just like Kane's sonogram, it was VERY obvious that it was a boy, no doubts at all. : )
I begged Chip on Monday the 14th, to finally help narrow down the boy name. We had been going back and forth about the boy name for awhile. We'd pick one, and I'd like it, then hate it the next day. For months we had liked the names Grayson and Jude, but they just didn't click with me like Kane's name did when we picked it. So while sitting in the Jimmy Johns in Greenbrier we were on the website which helps you pick a name through in putting names you like. And after a few good searches, he saw Brady and Chip asked what I thought, and I knew that was it!!!
Chip was also able to feel baby Brady kick for the first time last night, right at 18w. When I was pregnant with Kane, we didn't feel fetal movement until 19w and Chip didn't feel him from the outside until 20w. It's crazy how much more aware you are the 2nd time around!
Ultrasound, bump, and Thanksgiving pictures to come soon! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
-C, A, K & soon to be B!
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