So what's new in the lives of Ashley & Baby Kane? Lets roll back to last week. Mother's Day was a ton of fun, good food, and time spent with family over my Aunt Susan's house. From the moment I woke up I just didn't feel right. I was in a lot of pain all day, and it seemed to get worse and worse. By around 5:30 I knew I either needed to go home to get into the bed, or go to the hospital. So I of course called Chip and he said "Let's be safe than sorry" and he met me at the hospital.
From there we spent 4 hours in the ER and 2 hours in Labor & Delivery. Those poor ER Dr's were very nice, but didn't know what the heck they were doing!! There are some things that I think you just shouldn't tell a first time pregnant lady....especially when you're not 100% sure!!!! Like for example, saying things like "We can't find a heartbeat" or "You're 2 cm dilated" or "You're having pre-term labor". These were all things said to me ON MOTHER'S DAY, after having pelvic & digital exams done(ouch ouch ouch), and lets not forget the doppler when they couldn't get a heartbeat. They were so concerned with me that I'd need some surgery ASAP that they sent me to Labor & Delivery to be evaluated! hahah THANK GOD THEY DID!!
They wheel me over to Labor & Delivery. By the way, this was all taking place at the Navy Medical Center Portsmouth where I'll be giving birth, beautiful hospital! ANYWAY! So we get over to the REAL Dr's and they hook me up to a machine to measure if i'm having contractions...No contractions. Then they re-do the pelvic & digital exams (FYI not a pleasant thing to have done once mind you!) to see if I'm dilated...No dilation at all. Then they get out the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat, you know the whoop whoop whoop sound! And what do ya know, a strong heartbeat pops right up!
Needless to say the on-call OB said that everything looked perfect and asked if I was feeling stabbing pains that wrapped around my stomache & lower back, maybe even up and down my belly button. I was shocked! YES!! That's what was wrong with me, she knew, so what was this?? Well she just explained that with your 1st pregnancy, and with where I was in the pregnancy that the baby is starting to grow rapidly and that those muscles around my uterus were sprained. Her suggestion....TYLENOL! hahahaha by this time it was mid-night, 6 hours at the hospital, my parents were so scared they came to the waiting room with my brother, and I had a few sprained muscles and was told to take Tylenol! Well, at least Chip was right, Better safe than sorry! These pains went on till about Wednesday, and seem to be getting better as the days go by.
Besides our little visit to the hospital, everything else seems to be going great! Still waiting on that first Big kick! Feeling little flutters, and what feels like wooshing water next to your skin, but no Big kicks yet! I'll keep ya posted, but for now just little bubbles!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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