This afternoon Chip and I went in for our weekly visit. This was the first time we actually didn't have to wait at all which was very exciting! HaHa, it's the little things! I hit a milestone today....I knew it was coming.....but it's now officially here....What you might ask?? Well it all started when the nurse uttered 4 simple words that cut me like knives.....LETS GET YOUR WEIGHT!!!!! I stepped on the scale the lower notch was set at 150, then she gently flicked the top notch, then some more, then some more......ugh.....kill me now....I closed one eye tightly and just said "Just do it, just move it!" The nurse nicely smiled at me and it was like in slow motion, she reached for the bottom notch and kerplunk, she moved the notch to 200 pounds. No need to move the top notch, I've hit the mark, 200 lbs. even, for those of you wondering, that is a total weight gain of 41 lbs. for the entire pregnancy. While this number bothers me, it doesn't bother my doctor. Kane is growing right on target and both his and my health have been perfect throughout the 9 months knock on wood.
In other news, they did another internal exam, and I'm now 2cm dilated and 75% effaced (Effacement is the thinning of the cervix, while dilation is the widening of the cervix). I had mentioned to Dr. George that he wasn't moving as much as he usually did so she hooked me up to the Non-Stress Test machine where they have me sit in a recliner and monitor the fetal heart rate along with my contractions. This was very similar to what they did in the hospital except every time I felt Kane move I pressed a button, like the little button that contestants press on Jeopardy! They monitored me for about 30 minutes and said everything looked fine! My next appointment will be Monday October 19th (I don't have an appt. next week since they're going through a major computer shift and have limited hours and are completely booked)....I will be 39 weeks & 5 days, this is when we will discuss, dun dun duuuuunn INDUCTIONS! Dr. George explained to me today that they would like all of their patients to be delivered by 41 weeks, so this means we're almost 99% sure we'll have this baby before Halloween, unless there are scheduling conflicts that take me slightly over that 41 weeks mark. But lets cross our fingers for no induction!!
After the appointment, we went to pick out some pumpkins for our flower bed! Also we took our infant carrier & base to the local fire station to make sure Chip had installed it correctly and it was just fine! The firefighters were impressed that Chip had the base installed perfectly, since some parents come to the station with the seat in the box still!! He's winning the Greatest Dad Award already!
Here are some updated pictures. My 38 week bump picture with the pumpkins & Tank! Also updated nursery pictures, all set and ready for Kane! You'll notice that by his amount of clothing he takes after me already :) Also there's a picture of Chip holding the swaddled bunny we've been carrying around the house in an attempt to prepare the dogs for Kane's arrival!
***As a side note: If you know someone with a newborn, someone expecting a baby, or someone caring for a baby like a grandparent, listen closely! Chip and I were given the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp, by my cousin Jenny. I've been reading the book, and last week Chip and I checked out the DVD that goes with it from the library. The DVD was amazing! It's for soothing crying babies, with the 5 S's method: Swaddle, Side, Shushing, Swing, & Suck. The book/DVD goes into how you should view the 1st 3 months of the babies life as the "4th trimester" where the baby needs to have the securities of the womb still. Also along with the instinct to cry and suck, they've realized that baby also has the instinct to sooth, and the 5 S's help you find that "soothing sweet spot". Anyways if you don't believe me, or think it's crazy talk, or better yet, if you know or have known a baby with "Colic" check this quick 30 min. DVD out from the library and see for yourself!!***
**By the way...For all of those interested, we've tried ALL of the wives tales to induce you can tell, no baby yet!**
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