So I had another false alarm on Saturday. I was having constant contractions that wouldn't allow me to sleep Friday night so Saturday morning at 7, Chip and I made another trip to Labor & Delivery. Once we got there we were given a very bratty nurse, lucky for us the contractions died down and we were able to leave since there was still no progress, still 2cm 75% effaced. It would have been quite a bad situation if we would have been stuck with that woman!
We had a great weekend with Chip's Mom, brother Peter and his fiance Mary. We were hoping we'd have a baby to introduce to them by now, but Kane had other plans! It was nice to be able to spend one last quiet weekend with them though before the baby rocks our world! They will all be back to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.
Chip and I went in for our 39 week appointment today. We met Dr. Bell for the first time and we liked him a lot. So far we've met 5 of the 6 doctors that I could have for the delivery and for the most part I'd be happy with any of them, which I feel is pretty good. Since I had my cervix checked on Saturday I requested that they not check me again today, it's very uncomfortable and I'd just rather not deal with the cramps and bleeding for the rest of the day on top of the normal pregnancy pains! He listened to the heart beat which was strong, and then we went to talk in his office. He said that once we go over due they monitor more closely since you become higher risk. They scheduled us for a Non-stress Test as well as an ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid on Friday at 10am. Dr. Bell said he hoped to see me in the hospital before Friday, but if not we would have the appointment at the end of the week, and at that point they would schedule my induction for sometime next week. Well that's all folks! So I'm now officially at "Ticking Time Bomb" status. If you don't see an update during the week you can safely assume that you'll get one on Friday. We'll have our computer in the hospital either way since they have free Wi-Fi, so I'll be updating as we know more! **PRAY MY WATER BREAKS!!!!**
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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